Pioneering the future of DeFi

We’re a world-class team of developers, seasoned executives, and startup operators building next-generation products for decentralized financial markets.

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Trusted By

Solving the Compliance/ Privacy Tradeoff

Free Movement
of Assets

Our products lead the way in enabling vibrant secondary markets, by transitioning real world assets on-chain and all assets cross-chain.

Compliance and Interoperability

Our products can be used to prove AML/KYC statuses on-chain, without sharing user or company information.

Privacy and Regulations

We are building the tools to let users maintain their privacy on-chain, while still adhering to global AML regulations.

Unlocking compliant
cross-chain liquidity

Explore our current solutions for the decentralized financial markets.


Single Sign-On
Compliance for DeFi

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Cross-Chain, Cost
Effective Asset Swaps

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Explore our vision

We are building the tools to enable the global adoption of DeFi. Learn more about our existing products and read our Litepaper to learn more.

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Build the future of
DeFi with us

Got a collaboration idea? Interested in joining the Instalabs team? Or just want to say hello? We'd love to hear from you.